Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dark O'clock

Up at Dark O'clock

 I went to bed last night looking forward to a good nights sleep. I wasn't being too optimistic in my opinion. After all, all the sickness that was rampant in my house last week had finally passed. It had been a couple of good days where everyone's bodily functions were finally working normally. But NO! Dark O'clock came and the circus of my lovely treasures began and I slithered out of bed like the dog in the picture above. My son had an accident in his bed but never mind that, he wanted to eat and watch his "Elmo Street" after he was all cleaned up. We have properly prepared ourselves with the early morning hungry monster with one cracker barrel of vitamins, and one cracker barrel of cheerios to help ebb his requests for eggs and tortillas at the butt crack of dawn... and no "Emlo Street".So what, it was the singing in the dark after we satiated his hunger and  cleaned him up that really kept us awake, made us smile inside and was also irritating. Then my beautiful girl decided to wake up too, but who can really blame her? She is cutting teeth and I'm Pretty sure that cutting teeth sucks...bless her heart.  I Love my treasures!

Maybe the universe is just messing with me. After all, I have been procrastinating on starting up my early morning workouts again. In my mind, I keep telling myself, "its too cold, I need more rest"...Today was a great example of the universe handing me two human alarm clocks. Okay I am listening, I am open, and yes I remember what it was like to wake up at 4:30 am run for 5 crazy mountain trail miles and have everlasting energizer energy all day long. 

And I am off to give a Signature Massage at The Bodywell now.